Olive Oil Flavor Profiles & Pairings
Similar to wine or balsamic vinegar, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) has various flavor profiles. You can even have EVOO tastings like you would with wine, and can smell and taste the a depth of flavor in the oil. Different flavors of EVOO can be best served with different dishes, so we have compiled a list of the flavors and pairings to help you find what you are looking for:
Flavors: Smooth and mild, light delicate flavor, mellow but rich with slight bitterness. Notes of fruitiness and buttery.
Pair with: White Fish, raw shellfish, pesto, eggs, baking or desserts, popcorn, mayonnaise, salad dressing
Due Sorelle’s EVOO Available: Dievole Toscano Blend
Flavors: Fruity, pleasant bitterness and pungent, peppery finish. Notes of artichoke, avocado, nut.
Pair with: Bitter salad greens (frisee), grilled chicken, white meat, lamb, vegetables, fresh pasta, sautéed dishes
Due Sorelle’s EVOO Available: Dievole Chianti Classico D.O.P. and Dievole 100% Italiano
Flavors: Intensely bold and assertive, pungent, or spicy. Notes of grass, artichoke, tomato, herbs.
Pairs with: Pasta sauce, bitter greens, spicy dishes, soup, stew, grilled meats and roasts, bruschetta, aged cheese, paella, garlic mashed potatoes
Due Sorelle’s EVOO Available: Casa Caponetti Extra Virgin Olive Oil