Spiked White Balsamic and Honey Lemonade

White Balsamic Cocktail Serves 1

This is a refreshing summer cocktail. For this recipe, the tools you will need are a Boston shaker and a rocks glass.


For the Honey Lemonade:

1 oz lemon juice

1 oz honey

2 oz water

For the Cocktail:

4 oz vodka

.5 oz white balsamic condiment

For the Garnish:

1 lemon dehydrated lemon slice

large ice cube or sphere


The day before, slice lemons 1/8”-1/4” thick, and place single layered into a dehydrator *

Be sure to have your ice mold filled and in the freezer the day before as well.

Bring the lemonade mixture to a boil to dissolve honey, and set aside to cool.

Add all cocktail ingredients and the cooled lemonade into a Boston shaker with ice, shake, and strain into a rocks glass with a large ice cube.

Garnish with the dehydrated lemon slice.

*Once fully dehydrated, these will keep for 6 months in an airtight container. Store in a cool dry place.


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